To deliver engaging, efficient, and convenient continuing education for professional and personal growth.  
Our vision.

Professional education that:

Actually educates.  

Broadens our horizons, makes us think, and makes us better both professionally and personally.   Like your favorite podcast, but with video and credit. 

Doesn't just check a box.

Professional education shouldn’t be something we cram into the final days before our compliance period or multitask our way through. And it shouldn’t bore us to tears. Ever.  

Fits the modern learner

Old school conferences and long webinars have never been the best way to educate adult learners.  And they simply don't fit today's attention spans or the reality of current work-life blends.  Learn more about the data here.  

Friday15 started with 3 questions. 

  1. Why does continuing education suck so much? (Just kidding.  Sort of)
  2. Remember when being a professional was an indicator of trust, thought leadership, and continual improvement? (We think it still is)  
  3. Shouldn't our continuing education actually, well, educate? (We mean learn something.  The way we learn.) 

Our team

Meet our team

Jacy Rock
Co-Founder &  CEO
Jacy began her career as an associate in BigLaw, worked in-house for a large corporation, and eventually escaped to the illustrious world of start-ups for more work and less pay, but a lot more (Type 2?) fun.

 After spending two years of COVID lockdowns in virtual meetings, Jacy couldn’t stand one more hour of mind-numbing continuing education.  As a newly unemployed corporate lawyer without an expense account, she couldn’t do another ridiculously expensive in-person seminar at a posh hotel.  And as a busy mom and community member who considers endurance racing a good time, she didn’t have the patience for more pointless information.

 So she jumped at the chance to reimagine continuing education for professionals like herself.   

And here we are.
Garret Rock
Co-Founder & Head of Content, Chiropractic/Physical Medicine
Garret Rock is a serial entrepreneur who began his career as a Doctor of Chiropractic.  

Garret's time in the clinic led him to create Colorado Integrated Care Network (CICN), a first-of-its-kind, multidisciplinary physical medicine network.  CICN delivers value-based, outcome-obsessed, and data-driven care that improves patient outcomes and reduces healthcare costs.  Garret also founded Stepwise Pain, a simple, easy to use "virtual front door" that guides patients to the most efficient and effective care pathway at the onset of care; and Athlete Blood Test, a blood biomarker analysis company that helps athletes optimize their nutrition, recovery, and athletic performance.  

Garret is the current CEO of CICN.  CICN's successful and busy practitioners provided the inspiration for Friday15.  
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